The 50/50 Campaign is now over. Our goal to raise $100,000 was met, with our total standing at $111,670!!!
Thank you to all who donated and prayed with us. It was a big ask, but we have a big God who is faithful and provides. We are constantly blown away by the generosity of those supporting MH4H. We could not do it with out you. We are truly transforming together!

All funds will go towards Phase 1 our campus build in the community of Sylvain in Haiti, where we will be able to reach out into the community and transform more lives. These funds will create:

We thank God for his faithfulness in seeing this campus come together. Please continue to pray as we move forward with the campus build. Pray that we can reach out into Pignon with the love of Christ because of this campus and that God uses it for His glory in Haiti.