Dear Family and Friends, Upon my return to the States, I spent the required two-week-long self-quarantine in my parents’ home just outside of Newton, Iowa. I am very happy to report that my family was willing to risk exposure if it meant having me home! This...
In the latest addition of the “Her Chosen Fast Newsletter”, Micah Aurand speaks to the reality of culture shock that many feel upon entering a foreign country. Excitement, uncertainty, and fatigue are normal responses to a new environment which tend to...
Hello Family and Friends! I’m writing from Haiti though I have recently had the pleasure of seeing some of you during my two week trip back to the States. My youngest brother just graduated from high school and I was happy to celebrate with him. The timing was perfect...
The words, “Fear not”, are said 365 times in the Scriptures. God asks us to be brave because He asks us to love. Loving people the way Jesus does takes courage. And loving with your whole heart is not for the faint of heart. Click here to read Micah’s previous...
I used to love Sunday school as a kid. For two reasons, really. First because I really was that kid. You know, the know-it-all. I didn’t mean to be, but I loved learning and enjoyed being in an arena where I could show off because the Good Lord knows He didn’t make me...
Summer is still here (as always in Haiti!) and life marches on. Have the last few months flown by as quickly for you as they have for me? At one point, Many Hands had seven short-term mission teams in seven weeks. They came giving their time and resources to the...