The Day of the Lord Christi Gabhart grapples with conflicting emotions as she finds herself back in the safety of the United States while knowing that many in Haiti continue to suffer. Despite feeling grateful for their refuge, she struggles with the disparity between...
Answering Haiti’s Cry: Support Amidst Escalating Gang Violence Update Overview Since Thrusday February 29, gang violence has escalated The growing power of gangs will be felt throughout the country We have seen an increase in urgent requests from the vulnerable We...
Tim Brand To Visit Central Iowa Stores for Book Signings Announcement Overview Tim Brand’s book has soared to the top of Amazon’s bestseller charts He will be visiting three locations in February for special book signing events Events will be hosted by...
Christi Gabhart Health Update: Time to Return… Above: Christi praying with a group of Haitians. Christi Gabhart was diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) in August 2022. She has been receiving treatments while working from the U.S. Christi shares the...
We are excited to welcome Art Sathoff to the Many Hands Board. Art has joined our team, bringing with him a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to serving others. He is currently serving in his fourth year as the pastor of Ackworth Friends Church and as a...
Above: The staff and volunteers that helped open Many Hands Market in 2013. Karmen is in the front row, fifth from the right. Karmen Brown, the store manager at our Many Hands Thrift Market Spencer location, has announced her upcoming retirement. For the past ten...