On March 3, 2012, we launched the 180 for Haiti campaign to build a school and give 130 kids the opportunity to go in Gonaives, Haiti. We are pleased to update the progress of the project, as we will have the first day of classes on September 3, 2012! With the funds raised, we have been able to build a (3) room school, converted the church into a multi-purpose building with an additional (3) rooms, and will be renting a building next to the land for the administration, kitchen, and storage. See pictures below! We are expecting up to 160 kids to attend school next year, with offering grades preschool, pre-kidnergarten, kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade. God has been good and blessed our efforts to fulfill the community’s dream for a school in this area.

Here is a quick note from Silentor Esthil-Henderson, the Country Coordinator for Gonaives and Founder of the Etoile Ministries. He has been on the ground in Haiti making this dream a reality.

Dear Family, Friends and Supporters:
Greetings from Haiti. It brings me much joy to write you from Haiti this evening. I pray that all is well with each one of you. I want to apologize for taking so long to send an update. I have been having fun hosting groups from the States as well as getting the school ready for its opening this coming September 3rd, 2012. My brother Leboise (principal) and Woody (childsponsor coordinator) have been a great help making this school a reality. We keep each other motivated to making a different for this community.

We are basically done with the 3 classroom school; the only thing left is to paint the outside. As mentioned before, the church will be separated during the week to be use as classrooms due to the lack of funds to build the whole school and on the weekends it will turn back into a church. We did not have a kitchen, storage or principals office but next to our land was a house for rent, so I I decided to rent it. As God provide for the Etoile Ministry we will one day have our own facility for these things.

I will keep this update short because I plan to send a longer email this coming week. For the meantime, please enjoy these pictures below.

Until next time,

The School Sign Multi-purpose Church and Classrooms


New Three Room Classroom


Administration Offices, Kitchen, and Storage


Inside New School Classroom


Inside the Multi-purpose Church and School


Principal and Sponsorship Coordinator