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Today was a day spent learning about Haiti, and the breadth of activities that MH4H uses to transform lives. Through education, agronomy, economic development, safe homes, leadership development and medical assistance the organization fosters life transformations through Christ. Today highlighted the inch wide and mile deep engagement they use to focus their impact. I was so encouraged by the often repeated phrase of building relationships as a means to the programs. This was highlighted in the First Thousand Day Program, as relationships are built with every member of the family, even ones not born yet. That program can only be successful if relationships are nurtured and trust is built. I am honored to say I was able to see those relationships and feel the community that has been built around that program.

We also visited Goatland, which does not look like Disneyland, but still seemed like the happiest place on earth. These goats are a life changing opportunity for the families involved. I do find it hard to believe that a goat can be life changing, but in Haiti it is a fact. Not to mention that 24 pregnant goats are awfully cute.

As we walked back to campus playing with the children that joined us on our journey, just because they felt like it; I couldn’t help but think this is just like walking in my neighborhood in Des Moines. Families came out to say “Bonswa”, children giggled and played in their yards or with us but you cant ignore the lack of basic necessities, the poverty and lack of infrastructure. You also cannot ignore the faith and their love of the Lord, they firmly believe in the greatest commandment. Bondye beni ou.

By: Michele and Karen


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