It is Fresno Bible Church Team’s last day in Haiti, and they are still learning from their experiences. Throughout the last day, the team has learned how important it is to trust in each other, others in Pignon, and in God. Together and with the Haitian people, they continue to transform in Christ. 

To read yesterday’s blog post, click here. 

Braiding hair Spending time together with God Reading together Spending time with the children Fast friends

You learn so many great lessons on missions trips. It is just what happens when you are in a remote place far from home focusing on doing good things for God. The most important thing I learned on this trip was trust. Trusting the people around me, trusting my team, and most of all, trusting God. You are almost forced to put all of your trust in Him just to get through the next five minutes of the day much less the entire week.

Learning Teaching It’s a great day to learn!

You have to trust the food you are eating is safe, the drivers are skilled and will get you where you need to go, and your team will help you get through it all. By the end of the trip, I learned that the best way to get through the trip is to pray about literally everything. God, please don’t let this food make me sick. God, please help us have the energy to finish this project. God, please help us so we don’t get stuck in this puddle that could easily fit 3 cars in it! God will give you comfort in everything and will never give you more than you can bear alone.

-Olivia Evert