The 6th annual Hotcakes for Haiti event took place on Sunday, March 1st, at Third Church in Pella, IA. Families and supporters were treated to three different kinds of pancakes – chocolate, blueberry, and plain – with eggs, sausages, and orange juice or coffee. God blessed the day with 35 volunteers, typically working two hour shifts.
For the day, it is estimated that over 500 people were served over the five hours of operation. In total, just over $9,000 was raised, all of which will support the Harvesting Hope program to build family gardens and start a commercial farm in Haiti.
We are so thankful for all who attended the event, for Third Church for graciously hosting and their wonderful facilities, and all the volunteers who made this happen. Also, a special thank you to Liz Clarke, Mango Tree store manager, as she lead the charge on this event and did a fantastic job of organizing.
Be blessed by the pictures below. God is good!