Our society is no stranger to the idea of short-term solutions to long-term problems. Often times, short-term mission trips are perceived as such. Our group, because we were only spending a week in Haiti, ventured with doubts that our trip would be valuable in the long term, both in Haiti and in our own lives.
To read yesterday’s blog, click here.
Throughout the last week, we’ve discussed how these seven days will leave a lasting impact on ourselves and the people of Haiti. Now, at the end of the week, it’s become obvious that none of us will leave Haiti the same person we were when we entered it. God has worked through the short term of a week by opening our eyes to His Kingdom. We’ve witnessed the global church in action through praying beside brother’s in Christ despite the language barrier, through singing familiar hymns in English alongside a Haitian singing the same tune in Creole, and through witnessing a young boy confessing and accepting Christ as his Lord and Savior.
Pastor Sainphirin, MH Chaplain, assists this young man in the confession of his sin and profession of his faith. He was in the yard while the team was distributing a PET cart to a paralyzed man. God used the event for HIS Glory!
This afternoon we delivered PET carts, devices made to give mobility to the paralyzed/disabled, to four people around the area of Pignon. What was merely a short afternoon, contained the salvation of four souls that dedicated their lives to Christ. Obviously, this is an example of a short term moment that will develop into a long term impact. Five hours this afternoon now means that we’ll all recognize four more faces in Heaven. However, witnessing the salvation of another didn’t only, and shouldn’t only, set one long term impact on course. This event has impacted us, and will continue to impact the more we process it, by prodding us to peer into our own hearts and souls.
A second new brother in Christ, the man who received a PET cart. Also, the tall man behind asked to reconcile his life in Christ.
A second new brother in Christ, the man who received a PET cart. Also, the tall man behind asked to reconcile his life in Christ.
Pastor Sainphirin asking God’s pardon for two new followers of Christ.
Pastor Sainphirin asking God’s pardon for two new followers of Christ.
Reflecting on our own salvation is
Taylor Kraal
All in the family of Christ
All in the family of Christ