This article, written by Craig Gabhart, sheds light on the adversity faced by Haitians daily. While the article can be appreciated on its own, we invite you to watch the supplemental video testimonials to obtain a powerful visual representation of their experiences.

Haiti is currently in one of its lowest conditions since becoming a nation in 1804. Some say it is the worst it’s ever been. There is no established government, gangs rule the Port au Prince area, food and gas prices continue to soar, and kidnappings and general mayhem occur weekly.

Jezi shares about instability in Haiti

Thankfully, the areas where Many Hands works have not seen the major troubles found in the cities. But the people in our zone suffer the consequences of an unstable country. Many organizations that provide development and relief have left Haiti because of conditions that make working here dangerous and unproductive. Many Hands has decided to continue to help transform a broken world.

Examples of the consequences of living in an unstable country

(1) Elirose, a local mother, lost 10 of her goats due to thieves

(2) An important suspension bridge with materials stolen

To do this, we have had to be very strategic in how we operate. We needed to identify priorities and strategies to carry out those priorities. We met with our Haitian Leadership team and brainstormed about what-ifs. We made plans to handle the what-ifs. We carried out those plans while strategically adjusting as situations changed. And we prayed and prayed and prayed.

Wilna, a leader with Many Hands, shares the importance of servant-leadership

At one meeting, Pastor Jean-Ronel stated, “Sometimes God uses the darkness to shine His light.” I’m grateful to report that, despite the darkness, the light of Jesus shines ever bright. His light shines with the new center’s opening in Jean Boule, touching over 100 new families. Jesus’ light shines by providing meals and care to over 600 people daily. It shines when we continue to develop families’ capabilities to succeed through gardening, goats, and education.

A family shares a meal at the grand opening of the Jean Boule Love-in-Action center

The light of Christ shines when we can give a food blessing to a shut-in, a health blessing to a family with a new concrete floor, or assist in medical care at the hospital in life-and-death situations. The darkness flees when we can keep our school running while many are closed. The light shines on the forgotten disabled when we can give them the gift of mobility with a special PET cart. We see Jesus in our agronomy programs, where we grew over seven tons of produce. Our 92 Haitian staff can feel God’s light with a consistent, reliable income.

A father praises God for the work He has done through Many Hands

The number one strategy we continue to use is prayer. Giving it to the Lord and asking Him to use us to continue the work He has started. We know He will be faithful to complete it. There are tough days and tough situations that cause grief, and there is no sign that things are changing anytime soon. The Haitians say, “M’ap Kenbe,” basically “keep on keeping on.” We move into the rest of 2023 excited to see how God will stretch us to keep hope in a faithful Lord and “keep on keeping on” until His glorious return

1 Comment

  1. Fran De Haan

    We keep praying that some sense of stability remains in the zones that MH is working in.

    Bondye Bon


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