Community as defined by our team leaders:
“Building community through engaging and relationships” – Rebecca aka Mom
“People hanging together” – Steve aka Dad
Community can be experience in many different ways. From walking through the road of Sylvan waving and greeting the neighbors with what little Creole we have acquired so far. ( other then“twa pwa”) To playing with the kids of the 1000 first days program under the pavilion making up new games, and encouraging their moms to have a little fun too. To trying to beat the neighborhood kids at soccer and failing miserably.
Community was also in the simple, yet significant sharing of coconuts straight from the tree while on a break from putting in raised garden beds at Brother Arnold’s family property. Who not only was always smiling, but who also graciously reminded us that it wasn’t his tree, it was God who made it in the first place.
-Nikki and the team