by Dennis DeVries, trip participant with MH4H
We started our day in Haiti like usual with a devotion from The Hole in Our Gospel. It made us realize our need to share our wealth and ourselves with the world. Afterwards, we finished up some odd jobs around the compound and did some more electrical work.
We did a skit at Thrive for 5 today, where we reenacted how Jesus’ disciples sent the children away, but Jesus said, “Come unto me, and become like children to receive the kingdom of God”. Our Jesus character then blessed the children and their moms. It was probably the first time that the children and their moms had ever been blessed like this.
In the afternoon, we went to a place where a home was being built for a family whose home had been burnt to the ground. (To read the whole story on Wilfred and Carolyn from executive leader Tim Brand’s perspective, click here.) They are building the house on new ground because of the fear of evil spirits associated with their prior’s home location. They lost everything in the fire, including their four month old baby. The father, Wilfred, was still on crutches and had been severely burnt. Mom, Carolyn, had been moderately burnt. We prayed over them, asking especially for protection over them from the fear of spirits.
For me, the severe poverty has made the biggest impact. Even the poorest homes in the U.S. are better than the nicest homes in this area. I can see that MH4H has such an impact on so many people, especially the children. It’s been a privilege to be a part of sharing the love of Jesus.
Tim Van Mannen has been a great leader. We have a great balance of working and learning the culture, while trying to see Haiti as Jesus would see it. We have also had great cooks who make more for us than just rice and beans. We’ve shed a few tears and shared lots of laughter. God is good, even in Haiti!
Want to read more? This team had a crazy time trying to fly through storms to get to Haiti; read all about it here!