“Many Hands is doing great work in Sylvain.”
Born in a country that places the average income at $2 a day, Mirèy Pierre is determined to provide a brighter future for her family despite the harsh conditions they maneuver daily. Mirèy, her husband, five children, two grandchildren, and other extended family members shared a crowded two room mud and stick home. Sufficient funds for the most basic necessities were nearly impossible to find so Mirèy learned how to sew in order to supplement the household income – a skill she has passed on to her children. Mirèy has also increased her capacity as a seamstress by learning to make and sell cloth diapers to Many Hands through the Bundled Bottoms program. “After God, I thank Many Hands because, with these diapers, I have been able to put two of my children in school.”
One of those children is School of Light Preschool student, Gueventz. From the time he was a baby, Mirèy faithfully made the twenty-minute walk to bring her youngest son to participate in the Love in Action program (originally called Thrive for Five). Now, the spunky five-year-old excels in a classroom with dedicated teachers and growing friendships. Mirèy continues to set an example for her children. In December 2018, she graduated from the Alfa Garden Class after a year of studying the theory and practice of gardening. “This [class] helps my family because we can find food to eat and we can sell it for a little money,” Mirèy says with a smile as her family nods in agreement. “Many Hands is doing great work in Sylvain.”
It is through our Love in Action programs that we are able to empower women like Mirèy to stand up on their own, proving a stable future for their children. Your financial support enables us to continue this life-transforming work.
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