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It’s Saturday, and we’re off to the market! As markets go, this one is a big one, in my opinion, with animals, produce, clothing, and household odds and ends. First stop – to buy a pregnant goat for one of the families being helped by MH4H. We spotted the one we wanted right away, but the title paperwork took considerably longer because the authority in charge wasn’t there yet. So the goat (newly named Angel) waited, and we ventured into the market to buy the items on Christi’s grocery list. We could identify some of the fruits and vegetables, but much of it was an education for us. The meat market definitely gave us a new appreciation for what we take for granted in the US, and we got to peek into the bread factory with its huge oven. Two hours and 10 full bags later, we returned to the animal market and retrieved Angel, who joined us in the pickup for the ride back to MH4H.
being able to give mobility to those who need them
getting the pivot pin out so the cart could be reused
seeing the look of joy on the woman’s face when she got the dress
good drivers for getting us there and back
not having boys’ clothes to distribute