by Duane Truman, MH4H trip participant
Today, we began like every other day. We slept in until the roster’s crowing reminded us that it was 6:00 a.m. The first project of the day was to work on the preparation of a garden plot next to the MH4H Campus. For no obvious reason, the people do not seem to grow any vegetables or garden plants even though most have at least a bit of land where this could be done. This project is intended to show what can be done if they plant some of their own food. Bill, Pastor Tim and I helped till the ground for the first time. A pick-ax and shovel were the primary tools. Everybody did a bit of sweating as the soil was quite hard. As with all projects, we did not work alone, but rather with the local people.
We had another morning of Thrive for Five with the building full of kids and parents. There was great energy as they sang songs and did a play of David and Goliath. The volume of food distributed was amazing and there was not a speck left on any plate.
Following the Thrive for Five, people began arriving for the goats they had been promised and we distributed 16 goats today. Our own Goat Whisperer personally blessed every goat and Dorthy and I were happy to be able to deliver goats for friends and family who sponsored their purchase.
This afternoon provided an opportunity for us to purchase a few souvenirs. Our kids won’t be disappointed as Dorthy had her usual success.
We then visited the hospital in Pignon and saw and prayed for several patients. It was good to see that there is a place where treatment is available but as you might expect, it is not a facility like we are used to seeing at home. It was uplifting to get to see newborns as the last patients before we left though. There is at least some joy coming from a hospital situation.
As the week draws to a close, I can’t help but remembering the old question – How do you eat an elephant? The answer – one bite at a time. There is so much to accomplish here it could be easy to give up and do nothing, but MH4H is making great progress one bite at a time. What they have accomplished in a relatively short time shows what can be accomplished simply by trying. Their program to feed the very young is almost certainly going to have a long-term effect on the lives of those children and their families. Improving their housing, teaching, and most importantly spreading God’s word is integral in every project and activity I have seen. It is most gratifying to see that God is recognized in everything they do and that the people are clearly made aware of God’s part in their lives.
Tomorrow has a few more activities before returning to Port au Prince in preparation for our return home. The week has flown by.