The Many Hands For Haiti Story
The Mission
Transforming together, to be love in action, in a broken world.
Our Vision
Many Hands envisions a world where people transform together, through the presence of Jesus Christ, to be called people, living with purpose, unleashing God-given talents and resources to bring Good News in a broken world.

Our Values
We are image-bearers of God.
We believe that all have a God-given identity and all have a purpose in God’s plan. All are called to serve their purpose, not have the purpose serve them. In relationships, we will help people understand their true calling and stand by them as they unleash their God-given talents to bring the Good News within their circles of influence.
We are the sent people of God.
Just as God sent his son Jesus and Jesus sent the Holy Spirit, we are to be the sent people of God, bringing the Good News to people wherever we are called. Jesus is waiting for us when we get outside of ourselves in faith and will meet us to help us fulfill our purpose.
We believe in saved wholes, not just saved souls.
Jesus didn’t come to be an insurance policy after one dies. He came to bring life and life to the full. We are called to fulfill Jesus’s mission in Luke 4:18-19 to proclaim the Good News, to physically restore that which is broken, and to release people from oppression spiritually, relationally, and economically from that which binds.
We are better together.
As it states in Romans 12:3, we are all broken and in need of a savior, we are just broken in different ways. As we enter into each other’s poverty with our riches, we are all transformed. Through this process, our image of God gets bigger, as it should, as God has a global heart for His people.
We go an inch wide, mile deep.
We believe in focused impact, not random activity. Breaking the chains of generational poverty, both physical and spiritual, is incredibly complicated. To work in this environment, we break it down into focused building blocks that stack on each other, moving towards a common goal. One person, one family, one community, one region, one country, one world.
We work in integrity to create sustainability.
We seek systematic God-sustaining change to fulfill Jesus Christ’s kingdom purposes. We strive to honor God in a fiscally responsible way, making every effort to create transparency in our organization’s doings. We acknowledge and live in the tension of short-term giving while seeking long-term God-sustaining change. God is one of abundance and we will honor His generosity in the resources given to us.
The Branches of Many Hands
Many Hands Thrift Market
As a part of Many Hands, the proceeds from the Many Hands Thrift Market go to support local and global missions. We understand that not everyone can go to Haiti or is in a place to give financially. Many Hands Thrift Market provides an opportunity for people from the local community to get involved and make a difference, without making the trip to Haiti.
Many Hands for Abaco
As part of our Generously Growing, Impact strategy, Many Hands for Abaco is growing community in Abaco. Through intentional programming to meet the needs of Haitians, we are rebuilding the foundation, restoring the family, and renewing the community. These goals are achieved with education, agriculture, First 1,000 Days, safe structures, youth development and leadership development programs.
Many Hands Impact
Through IMPACT trips, we invite people into the communities we serve for week-long stay. On these trips, we ask people to reflect on their journey to identify the passion already residing within them, look to the future with expectancy for how God can use them, connect with others in love and encouragement, and commit to being love in action in their daily lives. By living an intentional life, they will take the next step up the mountain in obedience to the One that created them, to live a life of impact.
Discover Where Our Many Hands for Haiti Teams Serve
Through a series of life events, God revealed Himself to Tim and His plans for Haiti. It was through these events that Tim would found Many Hands for Haiti, an organization focused on bringing life transformation and impacting thousands of people.
In 1998, Tim Brand, a recent grad of Pella High School in Iowa, joined a church group to help build a new school for the Christian Mission of Pignon in Haiti. Not only did this trip change Tim’s perspective on God’s global heart — it changed the trajectory of his life.
Throughout Tim’s college career, his mind and heart kept returning to Haiti. One night, he was praying about the direction of his life and he heard a voice say to go back to Haiti. The next morning, he received an email from a mission team leader to be a college mentor on an upcoming trip. He agreed, and at the end of that trip, made a covenant with God to be involved in Haiti in some way for the rest of his life.

While working on a master’s degree in business, Tim realized that he could leverage his business skills for nonprofit work. He formed an association of Iowa churches already serving Haiti, encouraging them to work together for the greater good and build upon efforts rather than replicate them. He strived to establish best practices for projects, create life-changing short-term mission trips and improve financial stewardship.
In 2008, ten years after his first trip to Haiti, Tim was able to establish Many Hands for Haiti. In 2009, Many Hands for Haiti (MH4H) became an official 501(c)3 organization and many generous individuals were called to transform together, to be love in action, in a broken world.
In 2022, after the expansion of the mission into multiple branches, the organization became known as Many Hands. Tim continues to work tirelessly to bring life-transformation to the people of Haiti, the Caribbean, and the United States.