Jaydon VandeNoord and Brett Natelborg give us a glimpse into another fruitful day of serving in Haiti, as they feed kids, pour concrete, plant trees, and enjoy a 2 mile walk into market.
Thump, thump, thump went the pick axe as Team A got to work on planting plantain trees. This time around, the two teams switched positions, with Team B working on concrete floors.
Both teams walked to the places where they were working for the morning. It was to experience what it is like to walk around the streets like the Haitians instead of getting the comforts of riding in a vehicle.
A bucket brigade for a concrete floor Breaking up the dirt is hard work
One house down! The team pose with the Haitian floor crew. Transforming together!
After working for the morning, both teams returned to the Many Hands for Haiti compound. We were then united to serve food at the local Thrive for Five program that nourishes children and gets them ready for school. We served the children and their parents/siblings cooked plantains and chicken. As we waited to serve them, all of the group was playing with the little children. There was a woman who walked up to Anderson and gave him her child. His eyes lit up and it was a great moment of the day. Some of the group held the little children as they fell asleep in their arms.
After serving these families, we returned to the compound where we ate our own lunch of Haitian hot dogs and french fries.
There we hung out for awhile until it was time to walk into Pignon to buy gifts for the teachers of the Pella Christian School in Haiti. We split into four groups, each having a Haitian guide as we walked the 2 mile trek into the market of Pignon. Each group was given 4,800 gourdes (Haitian currency) to spend on certain products compiled into a list in addition to several more items in order to spend all of the goudes.
We had a great time dealing with the vendors and hunting for all of the products. After each group had spent their money, we gathered on a street corner. While we were waiting for the last group to finish shopping, a Haitian named Jasmine gave some of the girls motorcycle rides.
Walking through Pignon after shoppingAfter the last group arrived at the corner where we were waiting, we started the 2 mile trek back to the compound while carrying all of the heavy gifts. With a lot of sweat and exhaustion from the long day, we eventually made it back and walked back into the compound. We then packed all of the gifts for the teachers.

Walking the road back to the MH4H campus
It was a long day, and after a few games of UNO and a delicious supper of mashed potatoes, chicken, pasta, and lasagna, we all were ready for a good night of sleep.
Enjoying some ‘beauty salon’ time with MH4H staffThank you for all of your prayers and continued support as we continue this journey in Haiti!
Blessings to all of you as you finish your time in Haiti this week!