To read yesterday’s blog, click here.
After church we went to a restaurant for lunch and then bought food for our distribution later. We focused on the families of recipients of the carts. The first one we had to walk almost a mile to the home. It continues to amaze us how little they have and how appreciative they are.
We made a couple more stops before dark and were well received with huge smiles and hugs. Each place we prayed with them and praised God together.
Monday morning, we loaded 14 PETs on 2 trucks and we were on the road again, peddling our PETs. After a long trip through fields of vegetables, congo beans, and oranges. These oranges are sour to the taste, so they use the peels to make oil. Our first stop was a home along the road. An older gentleman received the PET and a young boy walking down the road noticed what was happening and entered the yard where we were. Pastor S. was sharing the gospel with the family and he asked some questions and before we knew it, the young boy was kneeling down in front of Pastor and was praying the sinner’s prayer. We again stand in awe of God’s timing and HIS PLAN!
San Raphael was next and there we stopped for lunch and then gave out 2 more carts. There was a huge crowd of people around us and Pastor S. used the opportunity to share the gospel. He asked some kids if they went to church and if they knew John 3:16. A couple of them recited the verse and he proceeded to herd them into the church. He sang “Jesus Loves the Little Ones Like You, You, You with them. Christi then said we would give each child a little gift and we were mobbed. Our bags of hats, dolls and toys were totally flattened as was Harold and I (Carol). I had a bit of a tug of war with a teenage boy over a doll so I could give it to a little girl. I won!
During all this, Twyla was busy back at campus working on the Bundled Bottoms project. Liz, Regan, Nic and Twyla distributed diapers to the mothers in the First Thousand Days program. The moms were thrilled with the new and improved diapers with the moisture shield lining and the terry cloth soakers.
We all enjoyed a great dinner and shared our highs and lows of the day. Now we need to get ready for a new day and wait with great anticipation for what God has planned for tomorrow.