The day was an amazing one for the team from Hope Spencer! It started off a little unsure due to the blessing of rain but the team refused to sit around. Check out their latest activities!

Click here to read the team’s previous post.


The day started early for the adventurers! At 5:00am, Shelley S., Rhonda, Scott, Drake and Doug hiked Mount Pignon. It was more challenging than usual, as it was raining! They braved it anyway, and all made it to the top! It rained pretty hard for awhile, making the roads very slippery. So much in fact, that the kids got the Haitian version of a “snow day”!

Back at the compound, the guys worked on the playground equipment for the new school, which was paid for by last summer’s VBS offering. When completed, the students will have swings, teeter totters, a knotted rope climb, and a rock wall. Plans are in the works for adding a firemen’s pole, and a slide! The design will also allow for future additions to the playground!
Some of the ladies worked on sorting and rearranging the Bon Bagay Boutique, which is the Many Hands gift shop. Hand painted items, metal art, baskets, wooden gifts and jewelry can be purchased to support local artists. Painting continued on the tables for the new school, and the trash can beautification project was started.

Some team members stayed on campus, while the rest of the team went to Basin Zim, a beautiful waterfall, a couple of hours southeast of MH. The waterfall has a beach area, a hiking trail, and caves to explore. God’s amazing artistry is on full display in Haiti!

Before leaving for the waterfall, the guys installed “bumpers” on the railings of the tap-taps! Riding in the back of the trucks, one’s back, ribs and kidneys take the brunt of the rough roads. The new bumpers are made from pipe insulation and duct tape, and the team is happy to report that they are very effective!

We had a busy day, and we might turn in a little early. We’re tired, but it’s a good tired. Good and tired.


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