This is written by Dave Gritters and Fran De Haan, members of the Calvary Christian Reformed Church in Pella, IA, on their trip to Pignon, Haiti. This is Dave’s 3rd trip to Haiti serving with MH4H and this is Fran’s first.

Good evening to each of you from Haiti.  Our group from Calvary CRC in Pella is: Pete Verhey, Keith Roozeboom, Don Van Wyk, Harold and Twyla Van Wyk, Marge Zondervan, Phyllis Stam, Joann Blom, Marty Nikkel, Colin Ashman, Sheldon Starkenberg, James Verhoef, Fran De Haan, and myself.  Our day consisted of leaving the Fort Lauderdale airport at 4 am and arriving in Port Au Prince at about 8:30.  We had a 16 passenger bus.  OK so those who have been here understand that.  For those who are new, they were wondering how we were going to fit 16 people, 1 driver, 20 suitcases, and carry-ons in what ‘normally’ is a 12 passenger van.  We had a great trip thru Port and arrived in Pignon around 1.  We just spent the afternoon touring the hospital grounds and visiting with staff to ‘plan’ our week.  We have had a relaxing night so far, having supper, singing praise/worship songs, and just de-briefing about our day and the new sights,sounds, smells – everything that goes with a new culture -.  A big topic of our conversation tonight focuses on the simple joy we see.  You know in the states we have so much, and always seem to want more.  It is a stark reminder to all of us of where Joy really comes from.  Our group will try to blog daily about what we learn, experience, and see. ~ Dave Gritters


Dave was not nearly descriptive enough about or ride here! Imagine a rollercoaster ride, now the seat the normally seats 2, you put in four people, then you go 60 miles per hour passing within a foot of other traffic and pedestrians, for hours on end, inside a vehicle with no air conditioning…. Ok, so we got through it just fine!! The contrast between our culture and their is astounding . The stark contrast in the hospital with what we might have in the US is beyond compare, even if it is one of the best in the country. Seeing the conditions was one to make us thankful. And yet there are moments of joy, such as seeing a new mother and her newborn baby and how proud she was, and the grandmother as well! God sure cares for each of his children no matter what part of the world they are in.  -Fran De Haan