Hello everyone:

Don’t know where to begin.  Rather Shock and Awe.  Never have I seen such need.  I have had such a blast though.  I have so enjoyed coming to Haiti and helping and eating Hatian food and drinking Coca (made with sugar cane).  As you would expect, I have taken tons of pictures.  Today, we completed Nathanael’s Eagle Scout Project.  It was so awesome to finish.  We have lots of pics to share.

What is so amazing to me is not just one thing but every new day is a new adventure.  Each work project has had its reward.  Thursday we got rice and beans divided into Hy-Vee and other kinds of bags.  We delivered the bags to amazing people.  We had the blessing of learning Creole and giving the food as we shared about Jesus.

I suppose my favorite was the concrete floors.  I absolutely loved interacting with the Hatians both with work by our bucket brigade and then with trying to speak Creole.  It was fun and hard work to mix the concrete, but the Hatians are quite expert in their craft.  It is amazing “how” they do this work.  The final product is amazing and very well done.  Impressive.

The 2nd cement floor finished from the group. Nathanael and Burns working on the cement floor.

I so loved the Market too—wow–it’s not Wal-Mart.  A little shock and awe definitely.  Saturday was a blast in that we had the blessing of giving back-packs with school supplies to all those beautiful children.  They could “all” quote John 3:16–for God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that who ever believes in Him won’t perish but have everlasting/eternal life.

Giving the backpacks of school supplies to the children. These were the school children, waiting for their backpack to be given.


But my favorite thing about this trip was not the one more concrete floor we will do, but the children.  I grew my beard for them.  I got the very reaction I wanted and expected.  I have had more giggles and smiles and screams of delight at the funny looking strange “blaank” (French for the color white).  I have lots of people touch and pull and feel my beard.  Little kids have just giggled about this and called my beard a “bab.”  So much fun! It has become a huge ice breaker and source of interaction—It’s all about helping these people and children feel love from someone so very different from them.  I have wanted them to feel love–Jesus love through me. If the people trust Christ to be their Savior and forgive them, they too can go to heaven.  Who ever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

This is a typical scene in Haiti - kids playing with Tim's beard!

This is a typical scene in Haiti – kids playing with Tim’s beard!

Some of the sights Tim has taken in.

If time would permit I could go on and on about what I’ve seen and heard and felt and sensed and smelled and so enjoyed.  So, if I could return to Haiti, I would.  I want to say that if you had the opportunity to visit, it would change your life too.  A huge thank you to the Carrolls, Roes and Voses whom have trusted us by lending your children.  They are great young people.

Gotta go thank you.
Looking forward to seeing you and sharing even more via pictures and video.
Love to all,

Tim Shoemaker

Tristin loving life in Haiti. This one way to load the truck! The team sitting on the bags of rice before separating and distributing. Brianna playing with the children.