The last two days of the Blom Memorial team’s time in Haiti, brought adventures, bumpy roads, and blessings.
Tuesday the group enjoyed the trip to the Citadel, while learning about Haitian history.
Stopping for breakfast of Haitian coffee and bread in Don Don Flat Stanley visits the Citadel Which one is afraid of heights THIS one is What a view
Whole group, including our Haitian guests, touring the Sans Souci PalaceAfter an epic day of adventures at the Citadel, we traveled back to the MH4H campus. We made a quick stop in Cap Haitien, on the way home, to buy landscape plants for MH4H Campus. They have been busy beautifying it, planting local trees. The trees not only help beautify, but they help with soil erosion!
Buying landscape plants for MH4H CampusWe got back and enjoyed showers, a hot meal, and a time of fellowship.
Today was our last full day in Haiti! We have had a great week getting to know each other better! I have learned so much from God in this past week!
We provided six PET carts! We rode in two trucks for an hour and a half to get to the town where these handicapped people live. It was a pretty bumpy, but scenic and fun. Once we got there, there were a few of the people we were giving PETs to. I had to fill out the paper work for each person. It was amazing to hear about their story of how they became disabled. I heard about their families and where they lived.
One of two trucks loaded and on their way to Momben Ccroche, for the PET distribution The town of Momben Croche on market day, is where the PET carts were distributed
We started with an eighteen-year-old young man. Two years ago his home caught on fire. Both of his legs were badly burned. A doctor had to amputate his left foot. To be honest, when I first saw him I did not think anything was wrong. But then he took off his shoe and all that was there was his ankle. It broke my heart to see that he had to walk every day to school or church with nothing to help him. A few other men got their carts. Their big smiles showed how much they loved to be able to go places faster than walking.
One woman tried the PET but could not grasp the concept of how to use the brake. It was very disappointing for everyone to see her get off the cart. We just do not want her to hurt herself by going down a hill too fast. We handed out six of the carts, took pictures of the recipients, and then back on the road to the Many Hands for Haiti campus.
The distribution has begun! PET cart assembly was a treat for George A happy recipient with some customized features to accommodate his needs

After much effort we finally had 6 PET recipients
Once we got back, just about everyone was tired. A few rested for a little while, and a few went to go listen to Pastor Brad preach at the Wednesday afternoon chapel. A handful of us went into Pignon for some last minute souvenir shopping, then we all headed to a nearby suspension bridge over the river.
In perfect Haitian fashion, we got to the walking bridge only to find two motorcycles barreling across the suspension bridge. After the motorcycles had crossed, we took our time but conquered fears and made it across. It was a beautiful evening, and we enjoyed the colorful sunset over the mountains. We enjoyed another delicious meal together and recapped our highs and lows for the day as a group, then the rest of the night was very low key. Our group has become very close in the past nine days, almost a family. Different walks of faith, different reasons for being here, but one goal- to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a needy place.
Hello!A highlight of my day was watching the men and women receive the PET carts. My uncle Bill was paralyzed waist down for many years after a four-wheel accident. Bill was always thinking of others. One of his last wishes before he passed away in 2014 was for my family to go to Haiti. A few days before he died we were alone at the Comfort house, and he told me he wanted me to go and help others. He was always caring for others. I am so blessed to be able to be here helping people in need. I know that Bill is looking down on us right now and smiling.
This week has impacted everyone on this trip. I think we all have been tested and put out of our comfort zones, but through all the little bumps in the road (literally … bumps in the road), God has been with us every step of the way.
“Blessed are those who have regard for the weak; the Lord delivers them in times of trouble. The Lord protects and preserves them-they are counted among the blessed in the land – he does not give them over to the desire of their foes.” Psalm 41:1-2
Hannah Blom
Fran and his helpers building a bench for the MH Campus Fran Bench in the shade