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Hello from Haiti. I am writing this blog from the roof of Irene’s Place looking out at the mountainous landscape. It truly is breathtaking. Yesterday we arrived in Haiti via MFI so we landed right in Pignon on the grass airstrip. The kids enjoyed the flight, especially sitting up front and talking with the pilots. Watching Abbie and AJ experience their first sights and sounds of this country has been amusing. They are taking it all in, the beauty and the challenges.
After getting settled and a quick lunch, we decided to walk into town, which from our campus is over a mile, in the hot, Haitian sun. Then we had to navigate the market stands to buy items for some food distribution we’ll do later this week. We carried cooking oil, pumpkins, pineapples, beans, and rice among a few other items. With little shade and since we’d had such an early start to the day, the market shopping trip certainly tested our stamina. We reminded ourselves of the themes and scripture that are guiding us this week, and we successfully finished the task. Some cold water in a bag helped as well!
We rode back to town with our purchases and rested a bit before heading to the swing bridge near Sylvain. I am not a heights person, so the bridge is a challenge, but the kids loved it and I put on a brave face. Below the bridge is the river where you can see people washing clothes and cooling off with a quick swim. Christi, AJ, and Tim had a skipping rocks competition while Abbie hunted for the most colorful rocks to add to her collection. I sat back and surveyed my surroundings. It is amazing to me how Haiti can feel like a completely different world but also like home. Having the kids here has felt very natural even though it took a few years for this trip to happen. I can’t wait to hear more about their thoughts this week.