Central College visits the Citadel to learn about the country’s history of slavery and bondage, as they share the Good News of the freedom in Christ. 

Written by Caitlyn Conway
Our day started at 4:30am. Before the sun rose we were loaded into the trucks and on our way to the Citadel, which is 35 miles away. Guess how long that took us driving… 3 whole hours. Finally when we made it to the Citadel we were all amazed to see the ruins of a palace that is two-hundred years old. This was my first day really being able to explore; I was unbelievably blessed by the patience and love that our team showed me (Concussed Caitlyn). Then I hopped on top of Peppa, my horse, and rode up the mountain and looked out at God’s beautiful creation. Once we reached the top, the fog was rolling in and the palace became more and more mysterious.

Driving to the Citadel Caitlyn and the rented horse for transportation We were in a Nyage (cloud)

As we explored the palace, the team walked behind me, beside me and alongside me the whole time. Each step I took I became amazed by the work that so many hands created. This then reminded me of the many things that God has created as well. Our God is so big and seeing the view from the top of the mountain gave me so much joy. Knowing that God has created such beauty all over this world is incredible. As I looked out from the Citadel, I immediately wondered how people could not believe in our God and Savior when they see such an immaculate view. It is so unbelievably amazing that we have such a gracious and loving God to serve.

Written by Micah Aurand
Charlot was our Haitian guide. He pointed out the natural beauty of Haiti’s landscape that encompassed the brilliant innovations of a leader named Christophe. Way ahead of his time, Christophe sought out the best architects to build his grand palace complete with running water, a library, a swimming pool, aqueducts, and a fountain designed to blind any enemies that sought to attack his home from behind. Likewise, he ordered a Citadel to be built with its foundations being rooted in the mountain itself. The Citadel was intended to serve both the offensive and defensive needs of this newly liberated country’s dictator. Christophe spared no resources to make his strong tower, not even the lives of 10,000 Haitians who died in his service.

Over two hundred years later, the Haitian nation is still searching for a Savior to lead them from oppressive chains to a life of freedom. The Good News is that Jesus is that Savior!! The personal news is that the Church has a two-fold responsibility to Haiti and the world. That responsibility consists of Faith and Obedience. Faith: we believe that Jesus gave his life to save us all from Death and that He will be with us as we share His love with others. Obedience: Jesus commanded His Church to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and to teach them to obey His commands (Mt.28:19-20).

“…The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into the harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38

Blessings from Pignon,
Caitlyn and Micah