God answers Haven’s prayers, to experience broken hearts the way His breaks, as they come face to face with depravity and hunger. 

You can catch up the Haven CRC’s days 3 & 4 here

Throughout the course of this week we’ve talked a lot about becoming the hands and feet of Christ, and this morning we were able to join in worship with the entire body of Christ. The church service this morning was powerfully moving. We were all left in awe of the Spirit’s power to break down barriers of race, language, status, and nationality to leave only equal brothers and sisters in Christ, worshiping together as One Body.

This baby was crying before church because she was hungry AND the entire family was hungry as well.

Last night we, as a team, prayed for God to break our hearts for what breaks His; today that prayer was answered. Distributing food to several families in the area revealed the vast amount of need in this city.

We came across children weeping because they hadn’t eaten in days, a father who’d been sent to prison as an innocent man, a family mourning the murder of a son/husband/father, and a man lying on his dirt floor so overtaken with illness that he couldn’t move.

Family mourning the loss of their husband and father

The home this family lives in is not safe

The man of this house is in jail being accused of a crime he did not commit

Over the years this woman has lost her husband and 8 of her 12 children

Our hearts were broken and screaming out for the promises of Jesus, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted” (Matt. 5:3-4).

Emotionally, these situations are hard to process. However, in every situation, we kept coming back to the faithfulness and sovereignty of God. So, even through trials, we will continue to pursue God’s ultimately perfect plan of a better home: His home; believing that with many hands and the Spirit of the Lord, Heaven can be brought a little closer to Haiti.

Steve lived in this area 30 years ago and knew Tibens at age 2 – he the father of this house

You can catch up the Haven CRC’s days 3 & 4 here