The Lutheran Church of Hope short term missions team has safely arrived in Haiti. They are full of excitement and wonder as they absorb the sites and sounds of their surroundings. Walk with them as they are introduced to a community that is not their own. 


At the market in Pignon

Today was our teams first day in Haiti. There is much to take in. So many new experiences…smells, flavors, words, landscapes, transportation. We started off the day by heading to the local city market. The walk there, on a dry and dusty mountain road was an adventure in itself. The road was bustling with passerbyers. Children on donkeys. 4 people to one motorcycle. Women walking carrying items on their heads. People washing clothes below in the river. Everywhere we turned our heads there was activity. Once we arrived in the market we were on sensory overload. It was beautiful and chaotic all at once. With a walk through the market, we started to get a glimpse of the issues that have plagued this country, and see the culture that’s been adopted to try and prosper.  The poverty is heart wrenching but I am in awe of the Haitians strength of spirit and resourcefulness to make do. While many live in poverty it seems though, that they are rich in community. Such a stark contrast to American culture where we may have abundance in things but often lack true connection.

Today was an ideal way to get to know the community many hands is trying to impact, our wonderful hosts, and all the team members.

Micah and Tamara Satren