In September 2015, a widowed mother carried her anemic one year-old daughter down a rocky road. Keeping between the cacti fences that lined her path, Roseman considered the implications of her destination. First 1,000 Days (Mil Jou) was the name of the program. Roseman wasn’t sure what that name meant but for the sake of the child in her arms, she was determined to find out.
Roseman’s husband died soon after she gave birth to their firstborn child. In a world that preys on struggling women, she was left with a baby, no savings, and little means to earn an income. Family and friends helped where they could but in their community there were few resources to be spared.Baby-Love and her mother came to the First 1,000 Days program with physical and spiritual hurts which needed tending. Baby-Love was malnourished and underweight. Her weakened immune system could not fight the frequent fevers or the pneumonia that plagued her little body. Poor diet only served to flame the anemia and stomach hernias she also suffered from. Baby-Love needed proper nutrition as surely as she needed medical help.
In September 2017, Baby-Love started preschool at the School of Light on the Many Hands campus in Pignon, Haiti. For the last two years, she and her mom have faithfully attended the First 1,000 Days program. There, Baby-Love eats meals five days a week that are geared towards malnourished children. Due to her continued medical conditions, she has received specialized doctor visits. Thanks to the Love in Action program, Baby-Love continues to have access to medication and routine check-ups to keep her health on an upward climb.
In that time, Roseman has attended spiritual development classes. As a Christian coming into the program, she says the lessons encourage her to walk straight in her faith, not turning to the right or to the left. Roseman also sat in classes taught by a local nurse to learn about proper nutrition, hygiene, and how to identify and treat common illnesses.
Life is still hard for Roseman but not without hope. Roseman now knows Love in Action means her daughter, Baby-Love, can receive nutritious food, medical care, and an education. She also knows that Love in Action represents a community of people who are committed to helping her grow as both a mom and an individual.
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Such a wonderful program for both mother and daughter…