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Praise God from Whom all blessings flow

This morning we put on our church clothes, and drove to the country church where Craig and Christi worship. First, we had a short Sunday School lesson from the pastor. Occasionally we would catch a word, like “Jezi” (Jesus), but for the most part, we didn’t understand anything…until Pastor Lumenes said “Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego”. Then we could imagine what the rest of the lesson entailed! The church service started with praise and worship, and we sang the Doxology! In Kreyole and English, pews full of Christians were worshipping together! Haitian church is so full of life and enthusiasm, you can’t help but be uplifted!

After church, we went into Pignon to a restaurant, and shared a delicious meal of chicken legs, rice, beet salad, spicy cole slaw, and fried plantains.
We loaded up the truck with bags of blessings for the poorest of the poor, and more of the families that have relationships with the Many Hands volunteers. The bags of food included: rice, beans, spaghetti, beef bullion cubes, and we added a gallon of cooking oil for each family. Gifts of clothing and toys were also distributed to special friends. We prayed with every family, and every one of them expressed their gratitude for all the blessings they had received from God. It rained on us, and we got really, really muddy, but again, it was so uplifting! Every time we stopped to visit a family to bless THEM, they blessed US!

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow. Blessings that rain down on us.
Praise Him all creatures here below. Creatures of all nations.
Praise Him above ye heavenly host. The heavens rejoiced with us today!
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Lwanj pou Bondye Papa, pitit li Jezi Kris, e Sentespri a.

Amen. Amen.


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