SEPTEMBER 23, 2017




Here at the MH4H Color Blast 5K, we are excited to bring you an amazing day of fun and color, while giving you chance to transform lives in Haiti! Run or walk as you take photos with friends, and stop to watch your family members get blasted with colored powder, moving through 5 different color stations!

Don’t worry about your pace; take your time because prizes for the most colorful male and female will be awarded after everyone has finished! After crossing the finish line, you’ll be congratulated with a picture in the photo booth and a music party in the street. Knowing that all event proceeds go to support programs in Haiti, you won’t be able to stop yourself from dancing!


Trinity Reformed Church, 407 Franklin St. Pella, IA.

Race Date and Time:
Saturday, September 23, 2017. From 9:00AM to 12:00PM
Registration begins Saturday, September 23 from 7:30 AM to 8:45 AM

Entry Fees:
Early bird registration (by Sept. 1): $30
Registration (after Sept. 1): $40
Race day registration (on Sept. 23): $50
Child (12 and under) w/ adult registration: $15

Each pre-registered participant will receive a t-shirt to wear during the race. After September 10th, t-shirts are not guaranteed, but they will be given as supplies last.

As a fun run, the race will not be timed and prizes will not be awarded to top finishers. However, prizes will be given to the “most colorful” male and female participants after the race.

All proceeds from the MH4H Color Blast 5K will be used to fund ministry purposes for MH4H, which include children’s education, spiritual development, food and farming programs, home rebuilding, medical services, and economic development opportunities.

Parking will be available at Trinity Reformed Church.

Packet and Pickup:
Packets can be picked up at the Mango Tree at 720 Main st. on Friday, Sept. 22 from 2-9 PM or Saturday, Sept. 23 at the Trinity Reformed Church from 7:30-8:45AM. Packets will include a t-shirt (guaranteed only if registered by Sept. 10), race bib, color pack, and MH4H sunglasses. Bring a photo ID or copy of your confirmation email when picking up your packet.