A Letter from Silentor

SAK PASE? (What sup)! Its been a little while since I updated ya’ll. I hope all is well for you and your loves ones.

In my last update, I had shared with you that I was heading to the U.S. for several weeks. During this time, I had a chance to visit and update supporting Churches, small groups and individuals about the work here in Haiti. Also, a time for me to do a little fundraising for our Etoile school in Haiti. The trip went very well. God made provisions for us to be able to add some classroom to our school here in Haiti. I was able to raise funds for another 3 classroom as well as a fence around our school campus. I thank God for all the wonderful people that is part of this ministry in Haiti and in the U.S. I am very grateful for all the financial support that will help change and develop the community we serve in the areas of Evangelism, Education, Women Empowerment and numerous other youth programs.

I gave much thanks to my partner organization Many Hands For Haiti who help our programs here in Haiti. Most of this work would not have been reality if I were to do this alone. There is a Haitian proverb that goes like this, Men Anpil, Chay Pa lou (It is many hands together that makes the load lighter). I feel blessed to have so many people involve in other to help me bring important resources to the people of Haiti. If you are reading this, THANK YOU SO MUCH for being a part of the Etoile Ministry here in Haiti.
I just got back to Haiti last Tuesday. Since then, I had a teachers meeting, had a valentines day dinner with the all the Staff, started on putting a  Wall around the school campus. Its always good to be back to spend time with my family, those in the community and the school children. I missed them and they missed me.

In March I have 2 small groups coming to help us here in Haiti. The first group is a nurse and husband helping creating health cards for our school and teaching computers to our leaders, The following week I have  3 Teachers coming from Houston to do a Teacher Training with my Haitian teachers. One of the them, was a teacher I had met in Teach For America. I am so happy to see that others teachers want to help me with the Etoile school here in Haiti by helping provide Haitian teachers the best training; methods/strategies needed to help move our children forward. I am excited to host both groups.

As always, thank you for following my updates on the work here in Haiti. God has made much provisions for us here in Haiti. I asked that you continue to pray for us. I also hope that you have a talent that you want to share with the people of Haiti.

I hope to visit your area or host you in Haiti one day.
I will update soon again.
Until then,