Northwest Catholic High School has partnered with Levo International to visit the Many Hands campus in Pignon, Haiti. The students have shown themselves respectful, hard-working, and fun to be around. Their willingness to help with anything that needed to be done has been a blessing to all. Keep reading as Christian Cashman shares about the trip.
Our first ever Northwest Catholic-LEVO Haiti Immersion has been a profound experience in so many ways. As most of the world knows, Haiti has been experiencing tremendous political upheaval during the time of our stay. In fact, we experienced this first hand on our arrival in Port au Prince before arriving safely at Many Hands. There is tremendous hardship for Haitian citizens and they have every right to seek justice.
From our first day in Haiti, we have been aware of God’s presence in the generosity and kindness of our Haitian guides, translators and mission staff. We have already realized that to love Haiti and the Haitian people, it is essential to be immersed in their culture. The hand of God is at work in so many ways in Haiti. Our NWC students realized this in our first hours here. Through our encounters with the Haitian people, especially the young and the elderly and the infirm, we have come to understand the value of Many Hands for Haiti and LEVO International’s focus on sustainability and care for the whole person. The services provided by Many Hands here in Pignon are focused on the loving care of communities, and the programs reflect that.
Our team was deeply impacted by our first-hand encounters through food delivery and concrete floor installations and playing soccer with the neighborhood kids. We were equally inspired by the opportunity to make a difference through hydroponic food growing. We leave Haiti as those who have experienced a true metanoia, a change of heart. We are grateful to the Many Hands team, to Bill Heiden and LEVO and to all our parents and benefactors and those who have prayed for us during this vitally important mission. May this be the proverbial planting of seeds for our NWC community in our relationship to Haiti and its people who live so near to the heart of our loving God.
Peace & thanks, Christian Cashman, Northwest Catholic HS