This is written by Kaleb Brand, 11 years old and currently in Pignon, Haiti with family. (Steve & Robin, Summer (11), Nolan (11) and Kameron (8). This is Kaleb’s first time traveling outside of the USA.
Our family is in Haiti. We got dropped of at the airport in Port-a-Prince. We walked over to our truck. I got to ride in the back; it was awesome. When we walked there everybody was just staring at us. Grandpa said the traffic wasn’t that bad, but I thought it was terrible. There were trucks, cars, motorcycles, semis, and tap-taps going everywhere. Our truck was on the left side of the lane just as much as it was on the right side. Sometimes we were going slow and other times we were going 50mph. When we were driving I saw a bunch of people walking on the street trying to sell stuff when people stopped. But most either had something on there head or were just walking. Finally we got to our house. There were peacocks, goats, dogs chickens, and cows walking every where. But most of them had an owner.
Our house is really nice compared to the ones in Haiti. There are typically four different types of houses in Haiti. Starting from the worst; made out of sticks and tarps; then sticks and mud; then block with a tin roof; and the best is cement and sometimes with floors. On Sunday we went to church at 9:00am. It was two hours long. Each song they sang lasted at least five minutes. Church seemed like it lasted three hours. But part of that was that they didn’t sing or talk in American, so we couldn’t under stand a word they said. Afterwards, we went home, got changed, and drove to the orphanage. When we got there, there were kids (from ages 1-20) running every where. I made lots of friends! We played games of dodgeball, basketball, tetherball, and pushed the kids on the swings/tire swing. At the end, people (called the Christian Brothers) came in and sang us like five songs. Some girls and boys from the orphanage also did too. I had a blast!
Gram B sent the E so I could hear what you are doing. I really
enjoyed your news. What a great experience. I know you will
all do something great for the people there. Bless you for doing
this. I pray you get home safe.
Much love, Joeline
How exciting. I can not wait to hear more from you. I will check in every day. You will learn so much. What an experience for all of you. Please keep writing and telling us everything!!! We had a snow day here today. I bet the weather is much different where you are. Have a great time and a wonderful experience. I am waiting to hear more. IMrs. Sondag
Good job, Kaleb. Since you were the first to write us yesterday and first to blog, I guess you get the first waffles next time! Keep up the good work. I’m sure all the kids were excited to have a friend like you to play with.
Lots of love, Grandma O
Hi grandma,
I’ve been reading your replies and glad you are reading our blog! I put my blog on last night. At the market today I saw a dead goat that i took a picture of just for you to see! Tell grandpa to feel better by the time we get back. Kaleb, Nolan, and I made chocolate chip cookies( Haitian Style) and are probably already gone. Dad and Nolan are doing the dishes…..!!!! On Thursday we are going to climb the mountain with our good friends Woodson and Fransley! Have a great rest of the time in Arizona!
Summer 🙂
Hey, buddy! Sounds like you are doing great, learning alot about how the Haitian people live, and having a good time! Very glad to hear it! Really enjoyed reading your blog. Sounds like it it a pretty long trip getting there. Hope you enjoy the rest of your trip as much as you have the first couple days! Hows the weather there?
Know you guys are doing some good down there! Take care and be safe. Love you – Uncle Randy
Great job Kaleb. How interesting that you are experiencing a world totally different from ours here in the midwest and the US. Keep up the good work and play ball with the kids. You give them hope for a future.
Great Aunt Bev Rowe
I hope you showed those Haitian kids how we play dodgeball: Mt Vernon style! Glad you’re having fun. Be safe.
Enjoyed your letter. Traffic is sure different.
Hope to see you soon,
Ken Ruefer
Abby and AJ’s grandpa