By Keith Anderson and Taylor Bolt
We started our last full day in Haiti off with oatmeal for breakfast. We then hopped in the trucks to go to Sylvain to load up the goats for delivery to several sponsor children from our group. After a quick pit stop in Pignon to purchase rice, beans and oil we headed out to Savanette. On our way to delivering food we found a country school and stopped and played duck-duck-goose and showed them how to Dutch dance. We then proceeded to find the homes of the sponsor children from our group. It was great for the members of our group to meet their sponsor children and the members of their family.
Sam with Witchu, the child he sponsorsAt every home we gave our gifts and then prayed with them.We then went to Pella Christian to hand out toothbrushes, toothpaste and floss and play with the kids. Duck-duck-goose and playing Frisbee were also hits with all the students!
Handing out toothbrushes, toothpaste and floss to students

Class shot of Pella Christian School in Savanette
We then headed back to the compound for some lunch and to do a little shopping at our own private market. Several local “market ladies” set up their various displays of merchandise right outside our front balcony. It was a great time of shopping and negotiating to find just the right gift to purchase but everyone was glad when the madness was finally over and we headed inside.
Several members of the group were able to have corn rows braided in their hair by Paula (a helper at Thrive for a Five). Then we went to eat our final supper in Haiti. All the food we have eaten here has been amazing. Lots of rice and beans which is a staple of Haitian cooking. Here we are sitting reflecting on our short time here and already planning on when we will come back.
We have been very blessed with a busy week of blessing other and receiving blessings. We have all been impacted in many different ways through these 7 days. As we are looking forward to going home to our family and friends, we are dreading saying goodbye to the many new friends we have made here.
Look the school and the children of God there. Warms my heart on this cold January day.