by Evan Vander Haar, MH4H trip participant 

This team will be spending the next week serving alongside the ministry of MH4H. 

Everyone on the team has made it safely to the town of Savanette in Haiti. After an early morning flight out of Miami, we landed in Port Au Prince. Next was a grueling four hour van ride to Savanette where we learned multiple times just how bad a road can get. The driver drove so fast, even though I imagined most people would drive slowly over the potholes and bumps. In my opinion, most cars could only have made that trip once.

We arrived at our destination to find very nice accommodations and a delicious lunch prepared by a team of Haitian ladies employed by MH4H. After experiencing our own discomfort through the trip, we were struck by the conditions people live in every day here and how our current discomfort was of no significance comparatively.

Some of the youth team members relax in front of the MH4H dorm.

Later in the afternoon, we were able to take a stroll through the streets of Pignon. Many of the team members were able to meet old friends, and the rest of us were able to make new friends. The people are friendly, joy filled, and beautiful. We are looking forward to our days to come in Haiti.

Haylie Van Maanen smiles after reuniting with a Haitian friend. 

Cholera ClinicWhile exploring Pignon, the team stopped by to see the new Cholera Clinic that MH4H recently rebuilt. 

Thank you all for your prayers. We see how God has been here long before us, and we look forward to joining with what is going on.

In the evening, the team assembled craft packets to do with the Pella Christian students on the following day.