The Spencer Hope team has been meeting new families and visiting all friends. Even as they are confronted with tough situations, they are reminded to place all their hope in God’s amazing power. Keep reading to see what they have experienced.

To read the team’s previous blog, click here.


Our morning today started and ended with God’s amazing power. In the morning, we went over to UCI for church and praised God with our Haitian friends. Even though we could not understand the songs or messages, it was inspiring to see how passionate the Haitians were during the service. During the service there were many songs sung together, a choir that performed, a message and introductions. Our team introduced ourselves to the church and they were thankfully very welcoming. 

After church we were given the opportunity to bring flat Mike and flat Gloria out for lunch at a restaurant in town. The menu was compiled of rice, chicken, vegetables, beets, and fried plantains. What a great opportunity to experience true Haitian food from the community. 

Following lunch, the team split up into two groups for food distribution. Each group delivered food to three different families before meeting up to visit two other families together. Something fun we got to experience before our last two stops was trying Haitian ice cream. My group sat at the ice-cream store for a while and it was fun to observe the daily life on the streets of Pignon. 

Finished with ice cream, we went on to visit two more families. The first family we visited was one of Shelly’s old friends and three of his children. They have known each other since the two boys were about two years old. Since they first met, Shelly’s daughter Allie has helped the kids grow nutritionally over time as the twins were very sick at first. They are very healthy now; it was great to see their growth since the last time I was here. We gave them a bag of goodies and a cool picture book that displayed pictures of the three kids and their growth over the past couple of years. 

Second, we visited a girl who is bed-ridden as we believe was deprived of oxygen at birth. Unfortunately, her limbs have become locked in certain positions because of what happened to her as a baby. Todd visited her yesterday and requested that we went back to pray over her today. When we arrived there, we took turns placing our hands on the girl as the rest of us stood in a circle praying our own prayers aloud simultaneously. Here in Haiti, it is a common custom to say your prayers aloud together as one: it was so inspiring and heart touching. In our prayers, we asked for healing and for God’s spirit to enter her life. 

Before praying, Todd asked us to turn around and look at the mountain. He read Mark 11: 21-24 to us. It says;

“Jesus answered them: Remember this! If you have faith in God, you can say to this hill, ‘Get up and throw yourself into the sea.’ If you do not doubt in your heart, but believe that what you say will happen, it will be done for you. For this reason I tell you: When you pray and ask  for something, believe that you have received it, and everything will be given to you”.

While praying, I personally kept these words close to my heart. Looking at the mountain was a perfect reference as the verse says we can send our prayers to the hill and they will be answered if we have no doubt. It is so valuable to know that God will give you all you need if you simply have faith in him. This bible verse was a light that guided us in our prayer path for this girl. 

I would like to ask you all to pray for her also. I ask that you pray for her healing and that the Holy Spirit would enter her home so that her family will continue to provide all that she needs. By the grace of God, she can be healed by our prayers. Thank you in advance for praying for this girl and her family, we as a team all sincerely appreciate it. Bringing our prayers together in both Haiti and the United States will emphasize the importance of a Haitian saying that I believe is completely true; the saying is “Pi bon ansanm”, meaning we are better together.

Nothing stands stronger than God’s people coming together as one. 

Bondye beni ou! God bless you!

Christina Mueggenberg


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