Christi Gabhart, Operations Manager for MH4H, shares pictures from their staff retreat and discusses the importance of unity and working together.
Last month Many Hands Haitian staff had a retreat at the MH guest house. We talked about the Mission, Vision, and Values of Many Hands and talked about the overall purpose and strategy of the work God has laid out for us.
Unity was another topic reviewed during the staff retreat. A simple motto has been repeated in the past months…If I hear it I will forget, if I see it I will remember, if I do it I will understand. A volunteer project was on the retreat schedule for day two of the staff retreat. One goal in mind…to understand UNITY as a team by working together. This is the before picture of a house that would be painted for its residents by MH staff who were about to be BLESSED!
House before team work This house was funded by a MH supporter and was built under supervision of MH Gelene and Paula, Thrive for Five Program helpers, are good at working together Jean-Ronel (left), Appolon (background), and Lumanes (right), are having no trouble at all practicing Unity! Left to Right: Jean-Ronel, Woody, Claudin Kalo is painting the front porch and Odenes is standing on a chair to reach the top of the wall

UNITY!! and a painted house is what we have to show for the effort. All were blessed!
The job of painting the house went so well the team moved down the road and knocked out house #2.
The before picture: This house has a new concrete floor and fresh krepi (cement covering) on the walls inside and out. Again, funded be a MH supporter with the work organized by MH. Jean Rene and Liz Jean-Ronel Incredible! In just under four hours on a Saturday morning, the MH volunteer team painted two beautiful homes As house #2 was completed, the family gathered on the porch to express their thanks to the team. The team packed up and headed back to the guest house. In the quiet of the moment, Paulene, the woman of the house, raised her hands repeating praises to God for the gift shared that day. She felt blessed! She recently passed away and is now in her new home with her Savior. MH team cooks Evenie and Beatris cooked while the other team members painted. The entire team gathered for a noon meal to celebrate a tremendously rewarding experience.
I see so many friends in these photos! I miss you all! What a blessing it is to bless others together!