The Sunnybrook team has been spending their time in Haiti visiting old friends. Their hearts are especially touched by those who are often left to look after themselves. The team’s mission is to remind everyone they meet that, through Christ’s blood, we are worthy of our Heavenly Father’s love. Read below as the team processes their activities.

Like anywhere in the world, health concerns and an array of disabilities are common. The struggle here in Haiti though, is that its already hard enough to live here. Even as a healthy, strong & able Haitian life is rough. Most days they don’t know when their next meal will be. They have to walk to wells daily to get their water. And their daily work is usually hard labor. Jobs are hard to find but if they have one, parents are working all day for their families, trying to get enough money to put their kids in school & feed them for the day too. As Americans, it’s hard enough imagining this lifestyle. Now, try to imagine someone with a disability in this lifestyle.

It’s hard for them to take care of themselves. Really hard. So those with a disability are usually ignored and overlooked making it difficult for them to survive at all.

There’s barely anything here to assist people with their disabilities. Thankfully, Many Hands distributes PET carts. But that’s not always a solution for everyone.

As someone who works as a Nurses Aide in a Nursing Home in the US, my mind instantly thinks of home health care and nursing home facilities that help people with these needs.

What can we do? They need care. Simple every day care. Meals made for them and sometimes fed to them. Help to the bathroom and bathing. Help with personal hygiene. Assistance in range of motion and activities to make them physically stronger. Access to medications & medical resources. And so much more.

I believe that a big help to end poverty is simply by loving one another. So whatever this may look like for those with disabilities here in Haiti – is exactly what we need to get our hands on. One by one, we can make a difference in the lives of those who are “down and out” and remind them that they’re fearfully and wonderfully made, and they’re worthy of this beautiful love that our Father in heaven so freely gives to us.


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