San Sauci Palace in the background
Written by -Emma and Reagan
from Christ Covenant Presbyterian Church Knoxville, TN
Jwi Lavi Nan Jezi. (Enjoying life in Christ)
The Citadel was quite the experience! To get to the Citadel, we took a 3 hour drive in the back of a pickup truck. It was kinda like riding a hard, metal roller coaster. My dear friend, Brianna, said on the way up, “I’m surprised we haven’t popped a tire yet!”
Getting there in a cloud of dust because its a dry rainy season
Upon arriving to the Citadel we drove up a few levels then we hiked the rest. It was a very steep trail, but at least it was paved! After we got to the top we took MANY pictures of both us and the views . We toured the king’s palace first and then we toured the queen’s palace.
When we were on our way out some VERY persistent people tried to sell us many things. After that we began our journey back to the orphanage. When we were almost an hour into the drive, some people on the side of the road started pointing at one of our wheels so we had to stop to investigate. BRIANNA HAD JINXED US! WE POPPED THE TIRE! Our Haitian friends quickly fixed it and we were back on the road again. Then we safely arrived home. ✌️ .
Written by Andy Pifer
Love and Miss you all
Not to complain, but after 7 mornings of Haitian eggs I can’t wait for tall glass of Weigels milk and a KK chocolate donut. This am (7/28) we went to some land that was purchased by the mission to be a vocational and discipleship center for the local Haitians. We moved a lot of cinder block and played with the locals when they showed up to help. In the afternoon we split up into 2 groups and delivered food and beds to those who had neither. One of the recipients was man is in his 50’s who had never owned a bed. What right do I have to complain about anything again, and what a blessing to be a part of bringing hope and both physical and spiritual blessings. This is the 8th full day and it’s starting to show up. A lot of our team is suffering from small injuries and yes dysentery. Yuck! Even through these trials the Lord continues to use the CCPC team here in Haiti. Thanks for your prayers and support we certainly couldn’t this without you.
Hey Mom.-Harrison
We stand upon a suspension bridge in Sylvain.
Here are extra shingles from Gazebo.
Hannah skipping rocks in the river.
Here are our clean up crew helpers.
There are so many hard working kids.
They are so eager to help.
Josiah wielding a machetti.
Emma helping spread gravel around the Gazebo.
We are stacking concrete blocks for future use.
Better Together
We brought food and formula to Elinise.
Food is given to this family.
Kolbert with his new bed.
Kolbert sharing words from Mathew 22.