Trinity College spent Mother’s Day in Haiti worshiping God and teaching a women’s conference the meaning of letting God fill the holes in our lives with Him.
Catch up on Trinity College’s Day 2 Here
This morning we got to worship at a local church. We went into the Sunday school room while the kids were learning/memorizing their verse for the week. We also were able to sing some of the songs we learned in Kreyol with the kids. It is just simply amazing; especially this being my first time out of the country, to see and experience worship even when I understood very minimal words, was extremely eye opening and such a blessing.
It’s fun to see, each and every day, with each new circumstance and experiences we have here in Haiti, the learned beauty of silence and coming to peace with communicating through body language and a smile. We, as a team did a special number, “Fill My Cup, Lord” and sang it both in English and Kreyol. Dr. Mattson was invited to give the message to the church this morning along with the help of a translator. Again, as frustrating as the communication barrier feels, the humbling beauty it displays is truly a wonderful growth experience.

Worshiping in Haiti
After church the team went out to eat at a restaurant in Pignon. The food was WONDERFUL. As we sat around the table, we were able to bond as a team, and come together to share our experiences, concerns and hearts with one another. So thankful for every person and each personality that has made this team so much fun to serve with. There have been endless laughs, priceless conversations and each unique personality that have come together to build God’s kingdom here in Haiti. Thank you, Lord.
Lunch at the restaurantAround 1:30 we returned to MH4H campus and hosted a women’s “Coffee Conference” using the theme song, “Fill My Cup, Lord”. There were 80 women invited from the community to come and hear the word of God. We first went around to all the women that were there and painted their nails if they so wished. Many of them LOVED that.
Fill My Cup, LordOur team leader, Lucia, started with how we all have a hole in our heart and many humans try and fill that hole with things like money, children, a nice car, beauty, a boy friend, and countless other things. But when we try and fill our empty hole in our heart with those earthly things we are left feeling unsatisfied and constantly unhappy. Only God can fill that hole and make it whole. He alone is the only one worthy of filling it up, and promises to always love us more than we could ever imagine.
The coffee cup represented friendship and growing together in fellowship, over a cup of coffee with a family member or friend, to share in each other’s joys and sorrows. Each of the team members played a different role. All of us spoke, acted out a skit and passed out goodies. Every woman was gifted with a coffee cup that had the phrase “Plen koup mwen, Seye” (meaning: fill my cup, Lord), earrings made with coffee beans, and a snack.
Each woman was given a coffee cup to share in fellowshipAfter cleaning up at the conference and catching our breath, we again just enjoyed walking the streets of Sylvain, countless children running to our arms holding on ever so tightly along with many piggy back rides☺ The love in each child’s smile and pressure of the squeeze of each hand make a heart so extremely happy.
Absolutely so much love for this country and these people.
Please continue to keep our team and the people of Haiti in your prayers. And a happy mothers day to all our mothers☺
With love,
Kortney Pollema
Catch up on Trinity College’s Day 2 Here