We made it safely. The ride from Port Au Prince went well. We had to wait outside the airport chute for about 45 minutes but no one hassled us. Zeke had a minivan and the truck for transportation. Put luggage in back of truck and top of van. with a tarp covering it. … We also stopped at small town to stretch and saw a accident. Truck hit a motorcycle, and we transported the lady to a nearby hospital. Her leg was hurt, but nothing serious.When we entered Pignon we followed a funeral procession so the group had a great first day experience!
Friday we scrapped and painted the school. We had a group, painting, some scrapping, and another just spent hours sweeping out the school. Very dirty. We got one coat on the whole school. We thought that was good progress since the prep work takes the longest.
Today we went to the market, washed the pickup in the river, and played ball and frisbee with the kids in the river. We plan to go paint this afternoon, and do Bible School activities with the kids at Bas Savannette.
Everyone is healthy, and the teenagers and kids have worked very hard and have great attitiudes. We are very proud of them.
We have been watching the Whole in the Gospel video series for devotion in the morning. We continue to be challenged as to what the Lord expects of us as a follower of Christ. Our lives and hearts are being challenged in many ways. We continue to pray that God is made famous and glorified.
All is well, We went to a 4 and 1/2 church service today. It was extra long as they had baptism celebration today. Everyone remains well and healthy. We walked the town today,going to the homes of many friends in Haiti. We will go to the orphanage to visit this afternoon, and will see Jackindy there. Everyone has been a real trooper and hard workers.We have made much progress painting the school at Bas Savannette. I am so impressed with their hearts for the people of Haiti and their compassion. We will visit the hospital and visit the patients and pray with them tonight. Our heart and lives at being challenged in many ways. Thank you all for your prayers and cover of protection.
-Lucia Van Maanen