The members of Christ Family Church use the morning of their last day to each give an overview of their time in Haiti. Their perspectives vary and are unique to each member. Read on to discover what they have will be reflecting on as they fly home.
To read the previous blog, click here.
All aboard!
Our trip ~
Because this was my second trip to Haiti, I experienced much less culture shock. Nevertheless, I will return home tomorrow with much more knowledge about the Haitian culture and its people. Additionally, and more importantly, I will return with a great eagerness to spread God’s love with those at home by putting into action the lessons I have learned here in Haiti. Those lessons are too numerous to describe and may prove to be challenging to live out, but I pray that we all may assist each other by keeping each other accountable and building each other up in love.
– Breanna VerMeer
Breanna feeding a goat!
When I return from the trip, I have found one main thing to focus on. I have realized that the environment here is conducive to sharing joy and happiness, while in America it is much less accepted to wave to everybody as they pass. I have decided to be more intentional in sharing the Good News to others.
– Logan Van Itallie
Logan helping with the music
The joy of God’s love and blessing is the face of a paralyzed child who has just received a cart that gives them independent mobility for the first time. It’s the hug from a mother who has food for her children. It’s the smile and handshake of a father who has been given a job and can now provide for his family. This week I’ve seen many examples of this joy. Our Christian brothers and sisters in Haiti are fighting many battles, but there is still joy. My eyes have been opened this week to poverty and spiritual warfare, but there is HOPE. BONDYE BON!
-David Schafer
This trip to Haiti has really opened my eyes to the fact that at home, I really need to look harder for opportunities to be a light to the world. Not everything is as it seems, and though people really hide their problems in the US, there is still plenty of opportunity to help.
– Ryan VerMeer
Ryan giving his assistance
I have taken a lot of things from this trip. One thing I think will be a constant reminder when I get home is that I and many others have it easy, and we shouldn’t take a single thing for granted.
-Kade Koops
Kade enjoying music with a Haitian child
My contacts here with the teen members of our team have been both a blessing and a challenge for me. I have seen their faith exhibited as they prayed for families whom we visited and in their comments during our evening Bible studies. We as a group have been challenged by our assistance to families here and we hope to continue our service at home.
– Jessie Madden
Jessie offering her service with the crops
This adventure to Haiti has helped me explore my faith and lifestyle. I have realized through my experiences how I can serve everyone I come in contact with. Even though it is easy to see many people here in Haiti are in physical need, it is not always easy to see people who are in mental or spiritual need. I hope to take my experiences and use them to serve in the United States.
– Joslyn Schafer
Joslyn is fast friends with this little boy
My second Haitian adventure has once again been eye opening. I am constantly amazed at the love shared by the Haitian people. With all this physical and spiritual need around them, they still manage to find joy and hope in Jesus. Being able to experience this has strengthened my faith and inspired me in continuing mission type work and behavior at home.
– Abigail Schafer
A new friendship was made between Abigail and this child
My first trip to Haiti allowed me to be the hands and feet of Christ in a tangible way. We met physical needs of many Haitian families by providing food, Personal Energy Transport (P.E.T.) cart, concrete floors, and goats. Each time we gave something to a family we told them that the gift was from God, not us. We were just the people God picked to deliver it to them. Then we prayed with the family that God would bless them and be with them. I am challenged to continue to find ways at home to be God’s hands and feet. I realize it will look different. I pray that God will use me and reveal His ways I can continue the work.
-Sandy Schafer
My third trip to Haiti reminded me that I need to be intentional about my faith and seeing others in God’s eyes when I return home. It is so easy to do that in Haiti because there aren’t distractions to take up your time. You can focus completely on the task at hand. You are never to busy to help or share a smile, handshake or hug. I am blessed to be able to travel to Haiti, I am thankful for the support and opportunity. The Haitian people warm my heart, I am thankful we can communicate with a smile even though we cannot speak the same language. It is great to bring food to a family, help with a cement floor, and deliver a goat or a PET cart to totally change someone’s life.
-Terri Fox
Terri spending time with a little girl
Closing out my third trip to Haiti, what to say? I have been beyond blessed to be on this trip with 10 great people. We opened the invitation to our entire church and God sent the 11 of us. As you’ve read these trip reflections I hope you can see how God worked through us and allowed us to be His hands and feet. We poured cement floors for two families- improving living conditions, brought food to vulnerable families, freedom to home bound shut ins -with PET carts and gave families economic security with ownership of their own goat!
Please visit each of our posts to see how God was present in each day and in each activity. We have been challenged and encouraged through our time here. We are coming home tired, dirty and ready to see how we can better serve our community and God’s call to love our neighbors. Thank you for your generous prayers and financial gifts that made this trip a possibility!
-Cadena Trusty
Cadena and a motorcyclist in beautiful Haiti
Painting scripture for houses in our Safe Homes Program
Many hands make light work #bettertogether #rolemodel
It sounds like everyone on the trip is coming home with impressive learning experiences. You have all been a special part of showing YOUR love for Christ THERE and will be able to help the rest of us show OUR love for Christ HERE!