Lily with Lutheran Church of Hope has been flowing along with the excitement of the children around her. Yet she hasn’t been blind to the hardships many of them face in their everyday lives. Keep reading as Lily recounts the situations surrounding the faces she has seen.  

To read the previous blog, click here.

First things first, with the earthquake and everything that’s going on here in Haiti I ask for prayers. Pray for the families affected by this earthquake, pray for their housing situations to improve, and pray that their community will bounce back from this disaster. We thank God that no injuries or damages affected the Pignon area.

Yesterday, my team and I visited a deaf school and an orphanage. Being at the deaf school was amazing because kids with any sort of disability here in Haiti usually get cast to the side or drop out of school due to having a harder time learning. When we first arrived at the deaf school, they taught us some sign language to help communicate with the kids except their smiles and laughter made it really easy to play with them. After the deaf school, we visited an orphanage to bring food and love to kids who don’t get much of either. It really hurt my heart to see all these children who don’t experience love on a daily basis. Our team enjoyed loving on them and listening to them sing about Jesus but it was tough to leave them. 

Today our team distributed food to families in need. It was very eye opening to hear their stories and see how they live. We take so much for granted without even thinking twice and these families do everything they can just to survive. Many of the houses we saw had dirt floors and straw ceilings. One woman talked about how her daughter and newborn grand baby had to move out because when it rains the house would flood and the wet dirt wasn’t good for the baby. This type of stuff made me reflect on how lucky many of us are. It’s hard to imagine having to lay in mud in your own home every time it rains, but this is part of so many lives here. So, I ask for prayers for this woman and the many other families that suffer like this everyday. 
