Jane, from the Lutheran Church of Hope team, has summed up the team’s thoughts and emotions in this short letter. Open your heart as you read what Jane has discovered here in Haiti.
To read yesterday’s blog, click here.
While others have blogged regarding our physical experiences here in Haiti, I would like to share with you the determination, courage, and emotion of this country. It has been told that a Haitian can do most things needed to survive with a 5-gallon bucket, a rope, and a machete. Their “can do” attitude enables them to use every scrap available. A positive outlook and an “attitude of gratitude” help them as they make their way. Joy is seen on their faces over the smallest incidences and help. This mission trip is a way to show our love for the Lord and to help the Haitians. The rewards are tremendous and raise the question of “who” is the receiver.
Jane Langguth