The Lutheran Church of Hope team continues to scale mountains with all the life lessons God is teaching them.
Catch up on Lutheran Church of Hope’s Days 1 and 2 here.
Greetings from Haiti!
Most of the team was awake before sunrise, today, so they could climb the mountain in Pignon. After the morning’s mountaintop experience, where many life lessons were learned, we spent our morning on campus visiting the School of Light Preschool and assisting at the Thrive for Five program. We were able to see the great things God is doing through the 20 4-year olds who are enrolled in the Preschool. Those kids have the fire of God in them!
Mountain Sunrise Sunrise on the left with the moon on the right Guys on the mountain
We spent the late morning entertaining young children at Thrive while their moms were learning about nutrition. There were about twice as many kids as us so it was a bit like herding cats but we also got lots of snuggles and smiles.
Playing at Thrive for FiveWhen the moms’ class was finished, it was time to feed everyone with Meals from the Heartland meals. Most of those on our trip have packaged meals before, so being able to see those who receive the meals was a great full circle moment. (You can see the MH4H Facebook Live video of that on the MH4H Facebook page – many thanks to those who watched and commented!)
After lunch we headed to a local deaf school where we played games (including a mean pickup basketball game for Sarah) and took photos of the children so they could see themselves (we took A LOT of photos). Even though most of us didn’t know sign language, we were able to have lots of fun. Before we left, Trey was able to hand out some of the small toys he collected at his school.
All the kids at the deaf school Jumping rope They are good!
A trip to the suspension bridge rounded out our busy day!
Here are some of the life lessons learned on the mountain:
- Pacing yourself is important! If you’re unsure of your journey, you don’t want to start out too fast and not be able to reach your goal. (Phil. 3: 14)
- Having strong, sure footing is important (a strong foundation). (Matt. 7:25) If you don’t have sure footing, making sure you have people to lean on will keep you going.
- Who you surround your self with on the journey is important. (Psalm 25:21)
Prayer with MH Staff and the team Team on the mountain
For our devotion tonight, we discussed how we respond to the poverty around us and the requests we often get to buy handmade items from people we encounter. Some of us are more cynical or suspicious. Some of us are more trusting or compassionate. In the end, we discussed what would Jesus do in our situation. It was a great chance for us to share and learn from one another.
Our team has bonded with one another in this incredible calling we have to be God’s hands and feet this week. While we know we’re not going to “fix” anything while we’re here, we know we will LOVE well because HE first loved us. (1 John 4:19)
Bondye beni ou! (God Bless You!)
Catch up on Lutheran Church of Hope’s Days 1 and 2 here.
We are so happy that you all are serving our Lord in such a meaningful way!
Our small group here is praying for the expected impact that your efforts are and will continue to be making in Haiti. We love you and hope to see you soon.