The Pella Christian High School short-term missions team wraps up their final day in Haiti full of service projects and reflections on the love and generosity of the Haitian people they have encountered.
To read yesterday’s blog go here.
January 8, 2018
This morning we planned to split into 2 groups to paint 2 families’ homes. However, one group arrived at their home to find a mother in labor. So, we prayed over her and left to join the other group painting their home. Many Hands for Haiti had built this home in November and today, it got a couple coats of green and “dusty rose” paint. Jill and Keith brought clothes and shoes for women and children in the neighborhood. Once the painting was finished, we had to pack all the supplies and 23 people into one truck (Haitian style) because the other one had taken the laboring mother to the hospital. It’s a girl!

Back at the MH4H compound, we unloaded and headed over to the preschool for a quick visit before lunch. The students showed off a little of what they were learning and even sang a song. They were all dressed up in their bright yellow uniforms and the girls wore matching yellow barrettes and ribbons.
After a quick lunch, it was time to help serve food for the First 1,000 Days program. Lunch for the mothers, a few fathers, and children came from Meals From the Heartland.

When they finished eating, we had a chance to snuggle some precious babies while the mothers participated in their class. The older children enjoyed time on the playground and a competitive game of soccer with the rest of the team members. The rest of the afternoon included more playground time for most of the team. A few others packaged 360 Bundled Bottoms diapers in kits of 30 for local women to sew for an income.

We spent the evening packing up, getting hair braided, and sorting out clothing and food to leave behind. Tomorrow, we plan to visit Pella Christian school and deliver gifts for the teachers before catching our MFI flight back to Florida.

The trip has been full of new experiences and surprises. Every day, we have to remember the motto, “be flexible.” It’s been an honor and a privilege to work and walk alongside the Haitian people this week. We’ve seen generosity flow from even the poorest of families. We worked alongside Haitians who made every effort to ease our burden as we worked to pour their concrete floors, plant their plantain trees, and paint their homes. We received more than one helping hand when the climb up Mount Pignon or to the Citadel was slick or steep. As we prepare to return to the U.S., we’ll take with us each smile and moment of joy we experienced this week. Haiti may be considered a poor country, but it overflows with love and compassion, and we are leaving richer for it.
In Him,
Karla and Hannah