This is written by Jake & Morgan De Ruiter and Becca Gritters, all members Pella Christian Winterim trip to Pignon, Haiti. 10 students, 5 teachers, 1 principal and Lucia Van Maanen are on this trip. This is their first time to Haiti and serving with MH4H.

To Read Tanner Van Maanen’s Blog – 1/4
To Read Staci Jansen’s Blog – 1/4
To Read Cailee Veenstra’s Blog – 1/5
To Read Corey Van Kooten’s Blog – 1/6
To Read Shannon Fynaardt’s Blog – 1/6
To Read Kara Jansen’s Blog – 1/7
To View Pella Christian 3 Bear Painting Pictures

Written by Morgan De Ruiter &  Becca Gritters.

We have been in Haiti for six days now, and we have one and half days left. In some ways it seems like we have been here for a month because we have seen, learned, and experienced so much, but in other ways we don’t want to leave. We want to stay in this beautiful country with the very beautiful people. These people have showed us so much in the few days we have been here, and we have grown closer to each other and God while forming relationships with the people of Haiti.

The group is sitting outside of 3 Bears and Me school, after applying 2 coats of paint and adding bible verses to the school.

Today we split into two groups. The girls went back to Three Bears and Me school while the boys stayed at Dr. Guy’s compound. The boys built desks for the schools. But we (Becca and Morgan) went with the girls, obviously. We painted the doors of the school a purple-ish color and bright colored shapes on the walls of the classrooms. While we were there, the kids were attending school. They all seemed very comfortable around us and were constantly trying to talk to us. Lucia was giving them English lessons, but the rest of us were struggling to communicate with them. While we were painting, we both were thinking, “why am I so blessed? Why was I born in the U.S. while these children live in such poverty and struggle to simply get enough food and water every day?” It was a humbling, powerful morning filled with the laughter and smiles of the students.

We came back to the dorms and had a relaxing afternoon. When the boys came back from working, they went to play basketball with some Haitians at the city park. Later that night we went to the hospital to sing and pray for patients. As we were singing “How Great Thou Art”, the lady behind us began singing it in Creole. It was an amazing reminder that even though we speak different languages and come from different countries, we serve and love the same God. Then we went and prayed with individual patients, and after we would pray with them we could give them a card with writing in Creole that says God holds you in the palm of His hand. We both prayed with a girl about our age, and even though we don’t know her name, it was incredible to praise Him with this girl. We told her “Ou bell” which means “ you are beautiful”, and her smile just beamed even brighter.

Written by Jake De Ruiter

My dad, Kevin, Corey, Tanner and me (Jake) built desks today. This really was the first time we actually built them. We had played around with it earlier in the week but it was a pain and we didn’t get a single one built. (We didn’t really have that much time) But today was very productive and as soon as we got the first one figured out things went much smoother. We got a system going and were pumping out desks before we knew it! We built seven total today and I thought it was a very good experience for us all. We got really tan…and sun burnt but the work wasn’t that hard which was good because then we didn’t boil! Woodson and Fransly came and helped us a little after their school and they always make it fun. I’m looking forward to coming home to Iowa but I’m going to miss this country a lot. It’s so beautiful and the people are so welcoming and nice. Hello to all, and please pray for us in the coming days as we are wrapping up our work here and traveling home.