The Day of the Lord Christi Gabhart grapples with conflicting emotions as she finds herself back in the safety of the United States while knowing that many in Haiti continue to suffer. Despite feeling grateful for their refuge, she struggles with the disparity between...
Life Christi Gabhart reflects on life in Haiti, the good and the bad. Despite the adversity facing Haitians as they try to live their lives, there is still encouragement to be found here. Life makes it’s twists and turns. We want to share that LIFE as of...
A Great Day Christi Gabhart reflects on the current crisis in Haiti and notices that the bees seem unaffected. Life marches on, and families continue to have the same pressing needs each day. In the midst of it all, she finds reason to celebrate. TODAY! What a GREAT...
Christi Gabhart Health Update: Time to Return… Above: Christi praying with a group of Haitians. Christi Gabhart was diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) in August 2022. She has been receiving treatments while working from the U.S. Christi shares the...
Christi Gabhart serves in Haiti full-time as the US Lead of Ministry and Benevolence with her husband Craig, who is the Operations Officer in Haiti You can read her previous blog here. God is ‘in the EVERYDAY of it! As you read this passage, speak aloud the...