The Celebrate Church mission team from Knoxville, Iowa have been living in the Haitian culture for the last few days. Today the group is learning the history of this people and seeing the roots from which this nation sprung. 

To read yesterday’s blog, click here. 

Hi everyone. Caroline and Cassidy here! Today’s wake up call came around 5:00AM. After a breakfast of warm bread, bananas, roasted peanuts and coffee in Don Don, Haiti, we took off to our destination for the day. The tour started with the San-Souci Palace, and then a ride up the mountains took us to the foot of the Citadel. Some hiked while others rode on horseback to the Citadel. We were accompanied by many “guides” hoping to catch our eye with cool souvenirs. The San-Souci Palace and Citadel were built in the 1800’s by self proclaimed king, Christophe. Chiseled into the top of the mountains, he utilized the Citadel as a housing unit for his royalty and militia. Around noon, we stopped for a bathroom and lunch break in the castle… I think we’ll consider this our home now!

On our way down the mountain we stopped for “nature’s Gatorade” AKA fresh coconut water. The taste was different than expected, but much needed to keep us hydrated. Two hours and a bumpy truck ride later, we arrived safely at campus just before the rain attacked.
Christi arranged for hairstylists and nail technicians to come pamper us after our long day. It was much appreciated! After dinner, we settled in for devotions and discussed plans for our final full day in Pignon. Today we were blessed to explore God’s beautiful creations. Thank you all for your prayers! We will chat again soon.