Person of Peace
Appolon with the MH4H team, 2014
“…just like a fruit tree planted by a stream, they can’t help but bear God’s fruit.”
Appolon teaching a class
As I’ve gotten to know Appolon more and more over the years, his conviction to stand with integrity to bear God’s fruit is evident. He stood by us through the long, dark nights in 2014. Because of his choices to stand with us in integrity, this caused real danger to him and his family. Even in being a lamb among wolves, Appolon has done his best to be a person of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. He has been a person of peace with Many Hands for Haiti for over four years, and we rejoice in God’s call on his life. In addition to the work he does for Many Hands, Appolon has also been the Executive Director for Youth Action of Haiti (YAH), starting the organization in 2003. It is no coincidence, but rather God’s divine plan, that YAH’s work has been primarily in Maliarette, focusing on empowering school-aged children. Like Appolon, we have heard God’s call for this community, coming alongside YAH and focusing our work on strengthening families, so children prenatal to age five can have a firm foundation to thrive and parents have all the tools necessary to provide for their families economically, physically, and spiritually. This will serve as a foundation for many families who will end up sending their school-aged children to YAH. With God’s help, this will also demonstrate how organizations can work in step with one another to accomplish shared goals for the community, rather than competing programs. Appolon is once again our person of peace, ushering in God’s blessing so we can stand together to bring the Kingdom of God to the area of Maliarette.
I’m With You
Many Hands stands on the shoulders of Tim and Lucia Van Maanen, whose sacrificial “I’m with you” spirit forever set our organization on God’s path.
Angel Among Us
Many Hands for Haiti stands on the shoulders of Pastor Francois Romelus, who is our angel on earth, gently guiding us with wisdom, courage, and love.
Love Them With the Love of Jesus
Many Hands for Haiti stands on the shoulders of Karmen Brown, who shows us how to love others with the love of Jesus.