Written by Kenzie Knight, whom along with Hank Puckett, is serving with MH4H for the month of June.
As many of you already know, too much happens in a day in Haiti for us to share everything. Hank and I arrived in Pignon on May 28th, and so far, we have had an amazing time. We have been busy working on different projects and catching up with our Haitian friends! A major project we have planned to do is a Bible school/feeding program at Jean-Robert’s school. We ran our first one on Thursday and will continue to do them once a week while we are here. We give a lesson, sing songs, eat lunch, and make bracelets!
We have already begun to see and experience the ways in which God works. The church where we hold our Bible school is really a stick hut with a tin roof. When we attended church there last Sunday, we noticed when it was about to rain, that half of the roof was missing. We asked Jean-Robert and he said they ran out of money to finish it. After praying about it, we came back to the dorm and Hank checked how much left over money we had. Turns out that the exact cost to finish the roof was $120 dollars, and that’s the exact amount we had left over from the money for our flight. Today, we are hoping to finish the roof and surprise the church tomorrow!
We also enjoy being able to help the MH4H team work on their current projects! Along the way we have been practicing our Creole and playing with the kids which, takes up most of my downtime. Hank and I both got our hair cornrowed, climbed MountPignon with our expert guide Christi Gabhart, and enjoy eating the fresh mangos! We love the culture here and are excited to see where God leads us!
Kenzie and Julidette. It is mango season, which means mangos are in adundance! Proud of her accomplishment – making a name bracelet. Having a Welcome and Farewell diner at Point Virgule, as Hank and Kenzie came and some other long-term missionaries were going home soon. At Jean Robert’s school, playing and singing with the kids. A perfect scene at the top of the mountain. Unloading all the Meals from the Heartland boxes, as the container needed unloading from the truck. Then, all the boxes went back in!