Written by Christi & Craig Gabhart

Have you ever been wavering back and forth, day to day, wanting to identify what God is saying in a certain situation?  Well…here we are!

We returned to Haiti on Saturday, November 8th.  We have been greeted with such warmth and enthusiasm by so many.  We have been spending considerable time talking with people in Pignon and the nearby communities helping share the truth of what has occurred over the past weeks.

That truth basically centers around the fact that the primary MH4H leader in Haiti is no longer employed by Many Hands for Haiti because of unethical behavior while in this leadership role.  Some details are insignificant at this point but the main situation that is being sorted out is that the land that the MH4H compound was built on was purchased under the former Haitian employees name so he has claimed the land, buildings and other assets for his own. We have been working through different options and ideas of how to regain possession of assets. Many Hands for Haiti board president, Tim Van Maanen and wife Lucia have been here as well since November 10th to be part of some decision making opportunities.

There have been numerous caring people, American and Haitian alike, who have given consistent, solid words of advice to be patient and listen for God’s direction, and wait for God’s vision of how to move forward.  One week down…we know there is more waiting and listening to come.

Some daily sights as we walk around Pignon.

God has provided many things so far including a generous man named Jude who has welcomed us by inviting us to stay in his dorm on the south edge of Pignon.  It offers an amazing view, running water, fairly consistent electricity and a great location.  We are thankful beyond words.


Jude’s dormitory where Gabharts and Van Maanens are staying at. View from the balcony at the dormitory.

Words of wisdom that have been shared with us…  This is wisdom that might be applicable, not only in Haiti.

–          Determine who you want to surround yourself with as you move forward, trusted proven leaders

–          Pull back, test the field, don’t be in a hurry to restart, need time to assess and reflect, let the tension come down.

–          What is it that we are here to do?

–          What are we all about?

–          What is it that will have a lasting impact?

–          Don’t be too fast to make alliance

–          “Life is like a mirror- remember where you came from.  See where you are now and where you want to go.”

–          “Sometimes a man today is not a man tomorrow”

–          “This world is not our home”

–          “Things made are made in Heaven. Then they happen down here.”